Saturday, September 12, 2009

Summer Update..

It has been way too long since I have blogged. I found this addicting little thing called Facebook... It has been great to find so many old friends and keeping in touch with family far away!!I will try harder to keep current updates on here also for my small fan base!!
So now a quick run down of our latest happenings! We had a great summer! The girls had a great softball season that kept us very busy! My brother's family along with my parents spent the 4th of July partying with us in Long Beach then explored the coast up to Forks for some 'Twilighting". We have gone camping, to the beach, swimming at the lake, and the county fair and rodeo just to name a few of our fun activities! We met some great new friends, the Ellis Family! They have shared in many of our fun summer adventures.We enjoyed relaxing and getting some extra sleep. I have enjoyed my regular Friday volleyball mornings with my favorite ladies!! Dave and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary on August 20th!

All good things must come to an our lazy summer days have quickly gone!! My days of a full nights sleep have vanished too! The kids have started back to school!! They were so excited!! I am lucky to have have kids that really enjoy school and learning, along with the socializing and extra curricular activities!! Kendra is in 8th grade, Maddy is in 6th and my (not so little anymore) guy Aiden started kindergarden!! They grow too fast!

Kendra just had her 14th birthday on Sept 5th!! I am not old enough to have a 14 yr I??!! Kendra was excited Thursday to learn that she made the Varsity Volleyball team!! She is only 1 of 3 8th graders to make varsity!! What a great birthday gift!! We are very proud of her for always doing her best! she is taking an AP class and was advanced to 9th grade math!!

I am looking forward to Fall and all of the fun family activities we enjoy when the summer days have passed! We will keep busy with Kendra playing volleyball and I will be playing again on a women's volleyball league! Aiden has his 6th birthday coming up in October also! I look forward to the pumpkin patches, corn mazes, trick or treating, the cool, crisp air and the falling leaves!! I love living in the pacific northwest, to be surrounded by God's beauty!!
I am grateful for my family, for the joy they bring me, and for dear friends who make life more adventurous!!

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